Matt Ward

NuGet Support in Visual Studio for Mac 7.7


  • NuGet 4.8 support
  • Support PackageReferences without a Version
  • Fixed NuGet sdk resolver not being found in Mono 5.16
  • Fixed null reference exception in package compatiblity check
  • Fixed Update menu enabled when project has no PackageReferences
  • Fixed updating a NuGet package changing a reference’s ItemGroup
  • Fixed updating a NuGet package changing a fully qualified reference hint path to a relative path

More information on all the new features and changes in Visual Studio for Mac 7.7 can be found in the release notes.

NuGet 4.8 support

NuGet is now included with Visual Studio for Mac 7.7.2.

Support PackageReferences without a Version

Visual Studio for Mac did not support projects that used PackageReferences without specifying a version.

    <PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" />

The version may be defined elsewhere in another MSBuild file, such as the Directory.props file, or by the .NET Core SDK, as with the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App PackageReference in ASP.NET Core projects. By default a PackageReference without a version will restore the lowest available version for the NuGet package.

However in Visual Studio for Mac there were several problems with PackageReferences that did not specify a version.

Opening a project with a PackageReference without a Version would result in an ArgumentNullException being logged and the Add Packages dialog could not be opened.

If the PackageReference, in a non-SDK project, had no Version then it was not displayed in the Packages folder and a null reference exception was logged. The Solution window would try to find the package to check if it was installed which is not possible with a missing version and NuGet’s VersionFolderPathResolver would throw a null reference exception.

If a PackageReference had no Version then a null reference exception was logged when checking for updates. A null version is now handled.

Right clicking the package in the Packages folder would log a null reference exception if a non-SDK style project was used and it had a PackageReference without a version. This is now handled and the menu label will show “Version None”.

Bug Fixes

Fixed NuGet sdk resolver not being found in Mono 5.16

More recent versions of MSBuild, such as MSBuild 16.0.40 which is included with Mono, allow the sdk resolver to use a manifest.xml file to define the assembly where the resolver can be found:


This manifest file not supported and resulted in the NuGet sdk resolver not being loaded. Any projects that use an MSBuild sdk from a NuGet package no longer worked and would result in an ‘Invalid configuration mapping’ error shown in the Solution window. The sdk resolution in Visual Studio for Mac has now been updated based on the latest MSBuild source code.

Fixed null reference exception in compatiblity check

Changing the target framework of a project that uses a packages.config file will result in a package compatiblity check being run. If the project had both a PackageReference and a packages.config file the package compatiblity check would fail with a null reference exception. Visual Studio for Mac was treating the project as though it was using a packages.config file, when it should have been treated as a PackageReference project. This resulted in a null reference exception being thrown when checking for package compatiblity.

Fixed Update menu enabled when project has no PackageReferences

The Update menu was enabled if the project used PackageReferences but had none in the project. Without any PackageReferences in the project there is no packages to update. The check to determine if the Update menu should be enabled has been changed to make sure the project has PackageReferences in the project file, not just imported PackageReferences. The Update NuGet Packages menu, which is used to update packages for the solution, has also been changed to have the same behaviour.

Fixed updating a NuGet package changing a reference’s ItemGroup

On updating a NuGet package the Reference item will now be modified in place in the project file.

On updating a NuGet package in a project that used a packages.config the old NuGet package is uninstalled and the new one is installed. This removes the old references and adds new references. If the references are in an ItemGroup with a condition then the new reference may be added into a different ItemGroup if there are other ItemGroups with references. To prevent this from happening the changes to made to references are cached and not applied to the project until all the NuGet actions have all been run. This allows a NuGet package update which would remove a reference and then add a new reference to be converted into an update of the original Reference in the project, changing just its HintPath, so its location in the project file is not changed.

This was fixed in Visual Studio for Mac 7.7.3.

Fixed updating a NuGet package changing a fully qualified reference hint path to a relative path

Updating a NuGet package, where the project, which uses a packages.config file, had been modified so the original reference had a fully qualified hint path, would result in a relative path used for the hint path when the reference was updated.

Now if the original hint path was full path then if the hint path for the reference is changed it is saved using a full path. This is different behaviour to how Visual Studio on Windows works, which will always add a relative hint path for the reference.

This was fixed in Visual Studio for Mac 7.7.3.