Here are the properties that ASP.NET MVC 3.0 provides to T4 templates when you use the Add View and Add Controller dialogs inside Visual Studio 2010.
Add Controller
Property Name | Type | Description |
AddActionMethods | Boolean | Adds action methods to the generated controller class. |
AreaName | System.String | The name of the Area that the controller is created for. |
ContextType | System.Type | The type of the data context. |
ControllerName | String | The name of the controller class that will be generated. |
ControllerRootName | String | The name of the controller class excluding the Controller part at the end of the name. |
EntitySetName | String | Name of the property on the data context class containing the set of entities. |
ModelType | System.Type | The type of the model class specified in the Add Controller dialog. |
Namespace | String | Namespace that will be used for the generated controller class. |
PrimaryKeys |
(Microsoft. VisualStudio. Web.Mvc. Scaffolding. BuiltIn) |
Primary keys for the model. See table at end for PrimaryKey properties. |
RelatedProperties |
RelatedModel (Microsoft. VisualStudio. Web. Mvc. Scaffolding. BuiltIn)> |
Related properties on the model. See table at end for RelatedModel properties. |
Add View
Property Name | Type | Description |
AreaName | System.String | The name of the Area that the view is being created for. |
ContentPlaceHolderIDs | List<string> | List of content place holder IDs in the master page. |
IsContentPage | Boolean | True if the generated view will be created with a master page or a Razor layout page. |
IsPartialView | Boolean | True if the generated view is a partial view (e.g. an ASP.NET user control). |
MasterPageFile | String | Master page file or Razor layout to be used with view (e.g. ~/Views/Shared/Site.Master). |
Namespace | String | Namespace that will be used for the generated view. |
PrimaryContentPlaceHolderID | String | Primary content place holder ID to be used when creating a view using a master page. |
ReferenceScriptLibraries | Boolean | True if checked in the Add View dialog. |
ViewDataType | System.Type | The view model's type. |
ViewDataTypeName | String | Fully qualified name for the view model's type. |
ViewName | String | Name of the view. |
Common Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
AssemblyPath | List<string> | List of assemblies referenced by the project and the project's output assembly. Internal use. |
Errors |
(System.CodeDom.Compiler) |
Used to stored errors that occur whilst processing the T4 template. Internal use. |
FileEncoding | System.Text.Encoding | The encoding of the file that will be generated. |
FileExtension | String | Not set. |
FrameworkVersion | System.Version | The .NET framework version. |
OutputFileExtension | System.String | The extension of the file that will be generated. |
TemplateFile | System.String | The full path to the T4 template file being used. |
Primary Key Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | |
ShortTypeName | String | |
Type | System.Type |
Related Model Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
DisplayPropertyName | String | |
EntitySetName | String | |
ForeignKeyPropertyName | String | |
PrimaryKey | String | |
PropertyName | String | |
TypeName | String |