Matt Ward

MonoDevelop NuGet Addin 0.8

New Features

NuGet 2.7.2 and PCL Support

With the upgrade to NuGet 2.7.2 the Portable Class Library support has been improved further. You can now add a NuGet package, containing a PCL, such as Json.NET, to a project that targets MonoAndroid. Previous versions of the addin would fail with an error message indicating that it was not possible to install Json.NET into a project targeting MonoAndroid.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix old NuGet packages showing as installed in solution when they are not installed.
  • Fix old NuGet packages not being removed on updating to a new package.
  • Fix exception when NuGet feed results returned after the Manage Packages dialog is closed.


The source code for the addin is available on GitHub.

The addin is also available to download from a custom MonoDevelop repository: